Fauxhibition I (Part of Simulacra), 2020
VR, Digital Media
"Being for living creatures is Life" — Gilbert Murray, Five Stages of Greek Religion, Anchor edition, p. 45
During the pandemic, transforming live art into digital form became inevitable. Humans began creating mechanical reproductions of their works and archiving them as immortal artifacts on the World Wide Web. These modern artifacts, known as "data," accumulate in cyberspace and are presented back to humans through digital algorithms. My work, Simulacra (2020-2021), depicts these manufacturing systems of digital algorithms and data collection, which, curated by AI, are then reflected back to the human viewer.
The Simulacra series consists of Choochul (Extraction) and Fauxibition. Choochul represents the infinite production of data in a continuous loop, symbolizing the human desire to archive mortal data into an immortal realm. In Fauxibition(2020), I carefully curated an artificial environment by using multiple mechanically reproduced images, repeatedly distorting them to create a neo-world through 3D rendering, achieving a hyperreal effect. The Simulacra series serves as a taxidermy of the mortal world into an immortal space, perpetuating human desires, which, in turn, become living entities with hyperreal lives within both the artist and cyberspace.

Fauxhibition (Part of Simulacra), 2020

Choo Chul II (Part of Simulacra), 2020
3D video

Choo Chul (Part of Simulacra), digital media, 2020